Do you want to organize a shoot in the spaces of the Aeroscopia museum or film the collections?
The richness of the collections of the Aeroscopia museum, the history to which they bear witness constitute a formidable framework and an important source of information for the shooting of films, documentaries or reports.

Aeroscopia Museum
E-mail : vicenta.molinero@manatour.fr
Tel: 05 34 39 42 17
Port: 07 82 50 02 26
6 Rue Roger Beteille
The museum extends over 33,000m2 including the exhibition hall of 7,000m2, the south tarmac of 6,000m2 and the north tarmac of 20,000m2.
27 aircraft from the museum's collection are exhibited in the hall over an area of 7,000 m2, including 5 light aircraft fixed high up to the metal structure of the building.
3 planes are open and accessible for filming: the Concorde 201, the Airbus A300B and the Super Guppy.
5 aircraft exhibited on the 20,000 m2 of the north tarmac: ATR 42, ATR 72, Airbus A320, A340-600 and the A380.
The Airbus A380 is fitted out on the 2 decks, ie 550 m2 of surface area offering various interior spaces: test aircraft configuration on the main deck and cabin configuration on the upper deck (bars, relaxation area, etc.).
The surface of the tarmac makes it possible to have distance on the apparatuses for the external plans.
3 planes on display in front of the large main door of the hall, on the visitor arrival side: the Concorde 209, the military Airbus A400M and the Caravelle. The interior of the Concorde is accessible to filming, the A400M is according to the theme while the Caravelle remains inaccessible.
Bypass access:
Follow Blagnac Airport
Take exit N°4 North Airport sector
Follow D 902 Beauzelle-Seilh
Take exit N° 902.3 ZAC Aéroconstellation
1st roundabout 3rd on the left – 1st street on the right on allée André Turcat
Distance from Toulouse city center to the aeroscopia museum by light vehicle: 25 minutes
Distance from Toulouse-Blagnac Airport to the museum by light vehicle: 8 minutes
Environment : the museum is located in the Aéroconstellation area of the aeronautical park near the Airbus Jean-Luc Lagardère site and the MEETT exhibition center.
Size of each space (indoor/outdoor) :
Exhibition hall: 7,000 m2
North tarmac: 20,000 m2
South tarmac: 6,000 m2
Architecture / Style : the ultra-modern architecture of aeroscopia displays the oblong shape of a long tube, covered with a skin of gray zinc, open to daylight and slightly curved along the body of water in which it is reflected.
Light vehicle parking with 2-wheel parking space with 150 spaces, as well as 5 parking spaces for people with disabilities (located 200 meters from the museum entrance), a drop-off point, 30 meters from the museum entrance , is possible in the coach park located rue Béteille.
Truck / HGV access / barnum space / canteen: Truck access via rue Roger Béteille on the bus parking lot.
Additional premises available for productions (HMC/dressing rooms, production offices, Deco Workshop): very few additional premises available that can be made available.
The + of this place : Rich collection of aircraft with legendary aircraft such as Concorde, A300B, A380, Blériot XI. Access on board the Airbus A380, A300B, Concorde 201 and 209, Super Guppy, A400M.
The constraints of this place: the museum is open every day of the year from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. or 7 p.m. during school holidays (zone C).
Possible types of filming : site more suited to light teams for photo shoots, reports and TV shows. Filming of fiction, series, feature and short films would require privatization of the museum, therefore subject to the agreement of Toulouse Métropole.

Locations and times
Filming takes place during the opening hours of the Aeroscopia Museum to the public.
Time limit
The request for permission to shoot must be sent in advance by mail or email to the communications department of the Aeroscopia museum. Given the constraints related to the operation of the museum, as well as the many visitors welcomed daily, a minimum period of 7 days is necessary for filming not causing any particular inconvenience, it is 1 month for larger filming.
All professional photography in Aeroscopia Museum spaces requires prior authorization.
During photography, no object may be handled or taken out of the display cases without the authorization and presence of a person authorized by the Aeroscopia Museum.
Information to communicate
The request must necessarily include the following elements:
subject of the shooting (memorandum of intent, synopsis, project);
image destination (cinema, TV, DVD, etc.);
desired date of filming;
desired locations for the shots (museum exhibition rooms and collections, exterior shots, etc., and the sequence that will be taken there);
filming schedule (duration of occupation of the premises, assembly and dismantling time included);
names and functions of team members;
in the case of an interview, names and functions of the speakers (in the case of people outside the museum), and subject of the interview;
type of technical equipment used (camera, lighting, etc.);
vehicle and license plate
Some shoots give rise to the payment of a royalty. The amount is set annually by the institution's Board of Directors. For filming taking place exceptionally outside of opening hours to the public, additional billing covering security costs is provided. The name and billing address must be provided to the communication department for the establishment of the invoice. Payment must be made on site the same day by check or by bank transfer one week before the shooting. The day of shooting
Welcome and badge
The reception of the team is provided by the communication department. Crew members must present ID in order to receive an access badge for the duration of filming. The applicant undertakes to respect the conditions of safety and protection of the works in force at the museum, in particular those concerning lighting.
After filming The credits of the audiovisual work must include the mention: “with the kind authorization of the museum”. The applicant undertakes to send spontaneously and as soon as possible a proof to the communication department (DVD support). This copy will not be the subject of any commercial exploitation by the museum, it can only be used for internal and free use.
In the event that the museum wishes to distribute all or part of the images made to the public, it undertakes to obtain prior authorization from the author.

Find all the Toulouse filming locations on the Toulouse On Air page: